Fall 2016 Elihu Burritt Library Newsletter

The Fall 2016 Elihu Burritt Library Newsletter is here!

  • Read about our successful “5 Minutes of My Favorite Book” event
  • Get in on the Open Educational Resources (OER) movement, for the good of our students (and their wallets)
  • Celebrate with us as we congratulate Undergraduate Research Award winners, and save the date for Elihu Burritt’s birthday party (yes, there will be cake)!
  • Learn about the new look for CENTRALSearch as we look toward a new year
  • Consider the importance of hearing different viewpoints as we reflect on Banned Books Week, and get to know library support staff member Kelly Moore
  • As Library Director Carl Antonucci notes, the library is in the middle of a transformation; these are exciting times!

— On behalf of the editor, Briana McGuckin, Reference & Instructional Librarian

Elihu Burritt’s Birthday Party – Thursday, December 8 @2PM!

Please join us on Thursday, December 8 @ 2PM

Special Collections room on the 2nd floor of the Library

Birthday cake and punch will be served!

The Library will celebrate its Patron’s birthday with a reading of poetry about him and a presentation by first recipient of the Burritt Family Scholarship.

Elihu Burritt was born in New Britain on December 8, 1810.  He was a citizen of the world, linguist, abolitionist, reformer, peace activist and penny postage advocate.  President Abraham Lincoln appointed him as Consular Agent to Birmingham, England.



The Elihu Burritt Library Text Book Fund!

The Elihu Burritt Library is committed to support the educational needs of students. By purchasing additional copies of required textbooks, the library hopes to relieve some of the financial burden of students. CCSU students frequently skip or defer a class because of course material costs and many go without required textbooks. Students are also faced with the decision between purchasing a text book, paying rent, or buying groceries. A textbook for a single course might cost up to $500!

This fund aims to alleviate some of that burden for the most financially needy students by supporting their academic endeavors. These textbooks will be available on reserve to all students during library opening hours.

Your gift to the Burritt Library Text Book Fund can help not just one student but the entire class!

For more information and to make a donation go to: www.ccsu.edu/textbookfund

Or contact Renata Vickrey directly at vickreyr@ccsu.edu

Hashtag #textbook fund #BurrittLibrary #GivingTuesday


Thanksgiving Holiday Hours

The library will be open on Wednesday, Nov. 23, 8am-4:45pm. However, in case of early dismissal, please call the Circulation Desk at 860-832-3410 to confirm closing time.

The library will be closed Thursday, Nov. 24 – Sunday, Nov. 27.

You can view all our hours online at library.ccsu.edu.

Have a happy and relaxing Thanksgiving!


A New Year … A New Look!

Some exciting changes are coming to CENTRALSearch in January 2017.   The Library’s main discovery portal will be getting a new look, some added functionality, and access to even more great physical resources.

Over the past year, librarians and staff throughout the CSCU system and the Connecticut State Library have been working to join forces and data in order to migrate together to a new shared library management system.  Many cross-institutional teams were formed and are currently hard at work to ensure that the new system will deliver the best user experience possible to our patrons.   The consolidated database will provide increased access to and delivery of physical resources at all the state universities, community colleges, and the Connecticut State Library.

More information about this endeavor will be forthcoming.  Please watch the library’s website (http://library.ccsu.edu/) for more details!


“Enigma – Decipher Victory”

An exhibit dedicated to the Polish cryptologists who broke the Enigma on display in the Elihu Burritt Library until November 15, 2016

The exhibit tells the story of the contribution that Polish mathematicians made to braking the Enigma code, Germany’s highly sophisticated cipher used for sending classified messages. Their names are: Jerzy Rozycki, Henryk Zygalski and Marian Rejewski. The Enigma code was generated by a machine invented by a German scientist at the end of WWI.  Several countries had teams working to try to break the code, but they had met with little success. It wasn’t until the three Polish mathematicians joined the Polish General Staff’s Cipher Bureau in Warsaw in the early 1920’s that progress was made. Later, in early 1939, two British codebreakers from Bletchley Park, Alastair Denniston and Dilly Knox, met with members of the Polish Cipher Bureau at a secret facility near Warsaw to share information about the Enigma code. In addition, theoretical mathematician Alan Turing, also from Bletchley Park, met with the Polish codebreakers. Their collaboration led to the development of a machine capable of breaking the more complex codes used by Germans during WWII.

To read more about the Enigma please check:

Breaking the code by Hugh Whitemore

Enigma : how the Poles broke the Nazi code by Władysław Kozaczuk & Jerzy Straszak

Codebreakers : the inside story of Bletchley Park by F.H. Hinsley, Alan Stripp


Exhibit of Chinese Art

Chinese art exhibit on display in the Elihu Burritt Library

November 2 -4, 2016 2nd floor

Chinese painting demonstration with master artist

from Shandong Normal University

Thursday, Nov. 3rd, 3-4 PM, Special Collections, 2nd floor.chinese-exhibit-poster

Open-Ended A Book Talk

Please join us for book presentation sponsored by

the Modern language Department and the Elihu Burritt Library

Open-Ended by Prof. A. Pablo Iannone, Department of Philosophy

Wednesday, October 26, 12:15 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Elihu Burritt Library, Special Collections Room 2nd floor



