Sexual Assault Awareness Month exhibit now on display.

Faces of Survival was started in 2004 and is displayed throughout the state. The exhibit uses personal stories and pictures of sexual assault survivors to educate the public about the impact of sexual violence and to combat the stigma surrounding the issue. The Faces of Survival exhibit confronts viewers with the reality of sexual violence and brings to light the voices and faces of survivors, who are all too often kept silent.

Quilts from Central’s Take Back the Night event are on display and add greatly to the impact of the exhibit. Printed materials on campus area resources will be available at the display table.

Come to educate yourself. Come in solidarity. Come to see the truth. Come to witness. You Are Not Alone.

The exhibit is located on the second floor of the Elihu Burritt Library until April 23, 2012.

On Monday, April 23rd 1-3pm on 2nd floor of the Elihu Burritt Library there will be a lecture and activities.
Lecture will be presented by Liz Halla-Mattingly. Liz has previously presented at the True Colors Conference, Transgender Lives Conference, Trinity College and the University of Connecticut
For more information please contact Paula Broderick at 860-225-4681 x217. Paula is Prevention Education Coordinator at YWCA in New Britain.

Global Food, Agriculture and Sustainability – Books and Artwork

The exhibit features the work of CCSU art students in Adam Niklewicz’s Illustration 1 class. Students captured a range of complex issues including sustainability, contemporary farming, healthy foods, and the greedy, unsustainable practices of corporations. Please visit the library to see whose side the students take. The art work and books from the library’s collection related to the subject will be on display until April 15.

Occupy CCSU Rally, Wed. 4/4 at Noon

A rally to oppose tuition increases and the soaring costs of higher education will take place in front of the Library at noon on April 4th. The rally will be preceded by a march across campus at 11:30 The event is being sponsored by CCSU AAUP and supported by student groups and SUOAF. Follow @occupyccsu on Twitter for more information.

BrowZine iPad App

BrowZine graphicThe Burritt Library is a beta partner for BrowZine, an app for iPad that lets you easily find, read, organize and share scholarly journals from Open Access publishers, including BioMed Central.

To download BrowZine to your iPad  and to help ThirdIron develop what will become the final product – please go to  Or, visit the Apple App store and search for “BrowZine.”
During the beta period we will be dynamically updating features and adding new content.  You may occasionally find software bugs, see design changes, and notice new content.  If you find problems, have suggestions, or see something you like, we hope you will let us know by using the feedback button in BrowZine, visiting ThirdIron’s Contact Us page, or sending them an email at

Gay Pulp Fiction – Novels from the GLBTQ Archives

Valentine’s Day is coming and all forms of love are celebrated everywhere.The “shocking”, “tormented”, “strange”, “wild”, “sinful”kind of love screams from vivid covers of the early lesbian and gay pulp fiction publications now on display at the Elihu Burritt Library at CCSU. Some 150 exquisite examples of this interesting genre from the university’s GLBTQ Archival Collections will be on display through March 15th 2012.

The exhibit is located on the second floor of the library and can be viewed during the library opening hours.
For more information please contact Special Collections and Archives at 860 832-2086 and 860 832-2085

Trial Databases for February

February is the month of romance, and to show our affection for the CCSU community, we are pleased to offer trial access to some fabulous online collections through the beginning of March! Check out the Vogue Archive, which contains the full contents of Vogue magazine (US edition) with full color page images from the first issue in 1892 to the present. This month we’re also featuring trial access to two amazing collections from Alexander Street Press, VAST: Academic Video Online and Music Online. Finally, for lovers of our feathered friends, we’re delighted to offer trial access  to Birds of North America Online, which provides comprehensive life histories for each of the 716+ species of birds breeding in the USA (including Hawaii) and Canada.

Our trial offerings may be accessed from the library website: Databases

While it’s not Godiva, we hope you enjoy these just the same!


Now on Display: Vintage Radio and Communication Exhibit

On loan from the Vintage Radio and Communications Museum of Connecticut, the Burritt Library will display the tools of technologies past through the end of February on the 2nd floor.

The display shows us how communications have changed throughout the last century, and features technology from the 19th and 20th centuries.  Featured items are vintage radios, telegraphs, telephones, and televisions.

ccsulib's Vintage Radio and Communications photoset ccsulib’s Vintage Radio and Communications photoset

