The “Future of…” Conversation Continues Wednesday, 2/15

Future of Books in the Internet Age DiscussionPlease join us for a vibrant discussion of “The Future of Books in the Internet Age.” How will ascent of e-books and the proliferation of tablets and e-readers impact reading, scholarship and pedagogy?  Who are the winners and losers? What are the opportunities for scholars, bookstores, and libraries? These are but a few of the questions that will be considered! The discussion will take place in the Marcus White Living Room at 12:15pm. Invited guests include Jack Dougherty, Associate Professor of Educational Studies at Trinity College and co-editor of the web-book, Writing History in the Digital Age, and State Librarian Kendall Wiggin.

The program is sponsored by the Elihu Burritt Library in conjunction with the Arts & Public Policy Committee, Philosophy Department and Honors Program.

Graduate Thesis Workshop

Graduate Thesis Workshop

Tuesday, February 7, 2012
7:15 pm – 8:15 pm
 Elihu Burritt Library classroom (third floor, Curriculum Lab) 

Presented by Paulette Lemma, Dean, School of Graduate Studies
Susan Slaga, MLIS, Reference Librarian, Elihu Burritt Library

 The workshop will cover:

Selecting a topic
Steps in the thesis process
Oral presentation or defense
Library Research (including a brief overview of style requirements)

Refreshments will be served.

If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Susan Slaga
Phone: 860-832-2095

Space is limited.

Brought to you by the Graduate Student Association (Like us on facebook: )

Ceramics on Display

Caitlin Lee will have an assortment of her ceramics on display through January 2012 on the 2nd floor of the Burritt Library.  Caitlin is a 2008 graduate of CCSU, where she received her B.S. in Art Education.

A statement from the artist:

Throughout my education and career as an art teacher, I have experimented with a variety of media, but have always been drawn back to clay.   Clay gives me the freedom to create with multiple techniques and play with the combination of functional and sculptural forms.  My artwork is an expression of my emotions, ideas, and experiences.  When I look at a piece of my artwork, it reminds of another time in my life.  It is important for me to document these times as a way of speaking to the world and making myself heard.  When others view my art, my hope is that they will be reminded of their own experiences and form a personal connection with the work.

My most recent work involves the human figure.  I begin each sculpture with an emotion or attitude, and then design and create a figure to represent the feeling.  The figures contain exaggerated proportions and abstracted features which aid in the overall expression.  I intentionally omit specific details like facial features, in order to keep each figure more open to interpretation by the viewer.  The sculptures represent my vision of specific experiences, yet they are created in a way that allows others to form personal relationships with the work.


In May 2008 Catlin Lee received BS in Art Education with a concentration in ceramics Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, CT

Magna Cum Laude; and currently is enrolled in the graduate program in Art Education with a concentration in ceramics at CCSU

Apply for the Undergraduate Research Awards

Elihu Burritt Library is pleased to announce the 2012 Undergraduate Library Research award. This award will recognize excellence in undergraduate research papers/projects as well as skill and creativity in the application of library services, resources and collections. Two prizes of $350 will be awarded during the spring 2012 semester at the Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day (URCAD). One prize will be award to a senior thesis and the other will be awarded to a paper/project from any class/year if applicable.


To be eligible, applicants must:

  • Be enrolled during the spring 2012 semester as a Central Connecticut State University undergraduate at any class level or discipline/major.
  • Have completed their research paper or project for a credit course during the spring, summer, or fall semesters in 2011.
  • Agree that the paper or project and application materials will become property of Elihu Burritt Library and may be publicly displayed in the library and/or library website.

To access the application please go to:

Fall Newsletter Arrives

Great things are happening in your library! The latest issue features articles about the library renovation and its impact on attendance, the library’s Android app, CCSU University Archives, and the CT Gay & Lesbian Film Festival digitization project. Read about these things and more in the new issue!

Upcoming Lecture, November 18th 7 p.m.

Join us at the Burritt Library at 7 p.m. this Friday evening for a lecture by Anthony M. Amore

Anthony M. Amore, co-author of Stealing Rembrandts: The Untold Stories of Notorious Art Heists will present a lecture on Friday, November 18, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in Burritt Library.

Mr. Amore is an engaging writer and speaker and has been interviewed by major newspapers and radio networks. Currently, he works as Head of Security for the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston and contributes to the Huffington Post and Boston Herald.

The event will also feature “Treasures from the Special Collections,” an exhibit of illuminated manuscripts, rare books, and Elihu Burritt’s letters held by the library.

The public is welcome and encouraged to attend!

Check out Filmakers Library Online!

The Burritt Library has just added a new subscription to Filmakers Library Online provided by Alexander Street Press.  The database provides instant access to over 900 full length titles including award winning documentaries, that cover a wide range of subjects. 

In addition to viewing films on topics such as race and gender studies, arts and literature, and political science, library users can make their own clips from films and embed them, or make their own playlists.

Filmakers Library Online can be accessed through the library website.

Take a Digital Collection for a Test Drive!

Electronic resource vendors and publishers typically offer libraries an opportunity to try before we buy. We have four products available on a trial basis through early November: CREDO Reference, Early English Books Online, PsycTESTS, and Library Music Source. User feedback is an important criterion for selection, so please send any comments (good/bad/indifferent) to me at or feel free to add your comments to this post.

Links to access are on the library website. Enjoy!

Discovering Perge, Turkey – Exhibit and Lecture

Dr. Inci Delemen, an archeologist of international reputation, of Istanbul University, and a long-time member of the excavation team, will deliver a lecture on Friday, October 21, 2011 at Noon in the Special Collections reading room, the Elihu Burritt Library.
The glorious story of Perge, located near Turkey’s Mediterranean coast and modern Antalya, began in prehistoric times and continues today with its designation as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. As the capital of ancient Pamphylia, Perge gained a preeminent status, and it remains an important source for understanding Classical cities. Its impressive remains, especially of the Hellenistic, Imperial Roman, and Late Roman periods, include remarkably well-preserved city walls, streets, baths, an agora, a theater, and a
stadium, all of which together provide insight into aspects of ancient urban planning. Additionally, much of the city was elaborately adorned with a vast assemblage of sculpture that suggests Perge’s role as one of the most important sculpture ateliers of its time.
With continuous Istanbul University exploration of the site since 1946, the project now celebrates its 65th anniversary, making it the longest-running all-Turkish excavation in the country. Both the exhibition and the lecture will highlight the remarkable archaeology of Perge, underscoring the importance of this site for understanding Classical antiquity.
Co-sponsored by the American Friends of Turkey, English Department, Middle Eastern Studies Committee, International and Area Studies Program, Center for International Education.
The exhibit and lecture is free and open to the public.
For more information about the lecture and exhibit please contact:
Leyla Zidani-Eroglu, Ph.D., English Dpt.,, or 860 832-2771 or Special Collections at 860 832-2085.
