A century ago American women marched and organized, too…

The Suffragist,  a journal conceived by Alice Paul (1885-1977), an American suffragist, feminist, and women’s rights activist is on display in the Library, 2nd floor, until January 26.

Alice Paul was the main leader and strategist of the 1910s campaign for the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which prohibits sex discrimination in the right to vote.

It was launched on November 15, 1913 as the official organ for her Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage.

Rheta Childe Dorr (1866-1948) was listed as its first editor, and its focus was to lead the charge for a Federal Amendment, subordinating all other issues to this goal.

The Suffragist often used a front-page cartoon, drawn by Nina Allender (1873-1957), whose drawings were to have considerable impact.

When the Congressional Union evolved into the National Woman’s Party in 1916, The Suffragist came along, and continued to be a powerful voice for suffrage throughout the war.

It ceased publication after the passage of the Federal Amendment in 1920.

The journal is available in Special Collections, 2nd floor of the Library.


Welcome to the New CentralSearch!

As many have noticed, we now have new CentralSearch that will be taking the place of our old CentralSearch and CONSULS.  Library staff are working hard to get the new system to provide the same services that CONSULS has provided faculty, staff, and students for many years.  We had hoped to be able to provide faculty and staff more time to make the necessary adjustments to your courses but unfortunately the timeline for the implementation was such that we were unable to do it before the semester begins.

Please be on the look out for more information about CentralSearch and the new systems development as we are making plans to conduct user focus groups and finding other ways to reach out to faculty, staff, and students for feedback and suggestions to improve the user experience.  We will also be making plans to provide training sessions to help everyone through the transition to the new system.

  • Please submit your materials for Course Reserves as soon as possible so that we can make every effort to make them available before the start of classes.
  • As you are making plans for library instruction, please make sure to mention to library staff any concerns or questions you have about CentralSearch so that they can be addressed before the instruction session.
  • Continue to use Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad) to request any materials that are not available here at CCSU, a formal announcement will be made when the Request functionality in CentralSearch has been fully implemented. Materials will continue to be sent from the other campuses with the same turnaround time of approximately three days.
  • If you are having an issue and would like to report a technical issue with CentralSearch or any of our eResources, please submit it through this link: http://ccsu.libanalytics.com/tw.php?i=721&d=478&w=347
  • You can find the link to enter a technical support ticket can be found at the bottom of the library website.
  • **ALSO OF NOTE, there is a new sign in to authenticate users:

    CCSU users will be prompted to authenticate (access resources from off-campus, view library account, etc.) with the following screen:



  • To sign in, use your BlueNet username and append @ccsu.edu to it.  Your password will be your current BlueNet password.

    Please let us know what we can do to help you!


    eResources: Kristin D’Amato (x22074) or Sarah Lawson (x22076)

    CentralSearch: Sharon Clapp (x22059)

    Course Reserves: Jamie Ortiz (x23406) or Kim Farrington (x23403)

    “My Library Account”: Kim Farrington (x23403)

    Any other questions: Dana Hanford (x22058)

Temporary Outage of Off Campus Access

**Access has been restored***


Please note** as of 10 a.m. we are having difficulty with off-campus access of our library electronic resources.

Please follow the instructions below to access library resources until access can be restored.

  1. Go to apps.ccsu.edu
  2. Log on to the citrix server with your bluenet credentials
  3. Choose the “IT” folder
  4. Choose the “desktop-lib” icon from the menu

This will allow you to use the library resources as if you are on-campus.

If you have any questions, please call 860-832-2060 or email: lawson_sae@ccsu.edu

We thank you in advance for your patience.

Spring 2017 Library Hours

Starting Tuesday, January 17, the library will be open Monday-Thursday, 8am-10:45pm; Friday, 8am-4:45pm; Saturday, 9am-3:45pm; and Sunday, 2pm-9:45pm.

Please note that the library will be CLOSED on President’s Day Holiday – Feb. 18 & 19. It is also closed on Spring Break (3/13-19) and for the Good Friday holiday (4/14-16).

For a complete list of hours, please go to http://library.ccsu.edu/calendar/month.php. The overall CCSU Academic Calendar can be downloaded from https://www.ccsu.edu/calendar/index.html.

Have a great semester!

Reference Department 2nd floor


The New CentralSEARCH is Here!

The Elihu Burritt Library is excited to present our newly renovated CentralSEARCH.

CentralSEARCH, the library’s main discovery portal, has received a new look, some added functionality, and access to even more great resources.  Our new system is integrated with 16 other academic institutions in the Connecticut State Colleges & Universities consortium, as well as the Connecticut State Library.  As a result, you can expect increased access to and delivery of physical resources at all of these institutions.

With our new system, there will also be a new sign in to authenticate users when accessing their library account or when accessing library materials and online resources from off-campus.  More information and instruction about this process can be found here:

CentralSEARCH Sign in Help

We expect there will be a few bumps along the way as we continue to customize the system to best meet the needs of our campus community and ask that you be patient with us throughout this transition.

If you have questions or encounter any issues, please contact the library at one of the numbers below or use our
Ask a librarian service.

Reference Department                 ext. 22060

Circulation Department               ext. 23410

Shutdown of CONSULS-based requests Fri., 12/23

The Connecticut State Universities and the Connecticut State Library, members of the CONSULS resource sharing consortium, will discontinue the “REQUEST’ service to share books and media between all 5 libraries as of early morning on Friday, December 23, 2016.  This action is taken in advance of the transition to the new expanded CSCU 18-member consortium. Request services will return on January. 9, 2017.

 IF you need materials that are in the CONSULS Consortium collections, but not by CCSU library, you should place orders with our Interlibrary Loan office, using ILLiad. This temporary solution will expire on January 9, 2017.

 We expect that materials will be continued to be shipped via usual channel and that there should not be a marked difference in delivery time. 

 If you have any questions, please contact Sarah White, (860-832-3408) or Kim Farrington (860-832-3403), Head of Access Services. 

Winter Session Library Hours

From Dec., 19, 2016, to Jan. 16, 2017, the library will be open Monday through Friday, 8am-4:45pm. We will be closed on Saturdays and Sundays. We are also closed Monday, Dec. 26; Monday, Jan. 2; and Monday, Jan. 16 (Martin Luther King, Jr., Day).

For a complete list of hours, please go to library.ccsu.edu. Have a safe and wonderful holiday season, and enjoy the break!


Tension Prevention Week

Tension Prevention week is back.  Take a break from studying with these activities proven to relax and rejuvenate!

  • Monday, Dec. 5: 5pm-close Art Therapy (coloring books, puzzles); 6pm-coffee & cookies
  • Tuesday, Dec. 6: 2-3pm Coloring books with the CCSU Counseling Society; 3:30-4:30 Therapy Dogs
  • Wednesday, Dec. 7: 3-4pm Jazz Guitar Ensemble; 3-5:30pm Therapy dogs; 5pm-close Art Therapy; 6pm coffee & cookies
  • Thursday, Dec. 8: 2pm Elihu Burritt’s birthday party (with cake & a poetry reading – 2nd floor Special Collections)


Special Final Exam Hours

The library has got you covered for the week before and of Final Exams! Here are our special library hours starting Sunday, December 4:

Sunday, Dec. 4: 3pm-10:45pm

Monday, Dec. 5 – Wednesday, Dec. 7: 8am-11:45pm

Sunday, Dec. 11: 3pm-10:45pm

Monday, Dec. 12 – Wednesday, May 14: 8am-11:45pm

We are open regular hours on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. We will also be closed Saturday, Dec. 17, and Sunday, Dec. 18.

For a complete list of hours, please go to library.ccsu.edu. Best of luck with Finals!

