Checking Out Library Materials

ALL patrons must show:

Valid CCSU Blue Chip or student ID from ECSU, SCSU, WCSU, any of the state’s community colleges (listed here), and the Connecticut State Library.


Valid Guest Borrower’s Card

1. Scan patrons card. If the card cannot be scanned, enter the patron name starting with last name or their ID number. If the patron is NOT from CCSU, click on the box Find User in Another Institution and perform a search using the patron’s name or ID number.

2. Scan the barcode of the material to be checked out. If the barcode does not work, you can create a temporary record for the item (Directions TBA).

3. Stamp (or write) due date given by the computer. Note: Due dates may vary with materials from other campuses. Always use the date shown on the computer screen!

4. As a courtesy, let the patron know when the item(s) is due, especially if they’re all due at different dates.

5. Desensitize all the materials by passing them through the sensitizing machine. Please do NOT desensitize any consortial (non-CCSU) or ILL items. For directions on how to use the machine, click here.

6. Pass all materials around security gate.

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