Guest Borrowers – Creation of New Cards

PART 1 – New Cards

There are several steps to creating a new card for a guest borrower. The steps provided will be for a brand new patron. Renewal of cards is similar and those steps will be in part 2.

  • You need to have access to the S: Drive and Dymo LabelWriter. The best location to do this is at the computer next to Alberto’s desk.
  • Materials needed: Blank guest borrower library card, copy of the Guest Borrower Privileges, scissors, an envelope, and the roll of clear adhesive labels that is kept at the desk adjacent to Alberto’s desk.

First, make sure the patron application has been approved in Banner or by Kim. The patron should not owe any fines to the library or money to the university.

Next, open the S: drive, Access_Services, Guest Borrowers, Word Document “Barcodes”

Then, create a new barcode using the Online Barcode Generator:

  1. Go to

2. For Parameters, select “Code 128” for the first box.

3. Enter the barcode you want to make for the second box. The third box should be defaulted to “Code 128-A.”

4. Click on “Create.”

5. Once the barcode generates, click the SVG file option on the far right to open the appropriate file. Then click “Ok” to open the file in Internet Explorer.

6. Right-click on the image and select copy.

7. Paste the image onto a Word document. You can enlarge it to make it bigger.

8. Click on “Cut Down” in the Free Online Barcode Generator and repeat Steps #3-8.

Print and cut out the barcode. Place the barcode on the clear adhesive label and place the label on the back of the card.

Use the Dymo LabelWriter to make a name/address label (14 size font, bold) for the mailing envelope and another name/address label (12 size font, bold) for the front of the guest card. The label that is to go on the guest card, add the expiration date. Example, Exp. Feb. 2012.

Stuff the mailing envelope with a copy of the Guest Borrower Privileges and the new library card.

Drop off the envelope in the Metered Mail bin in Stack 1.

Lastly, write the new barcode and expiration date on the patron’s application. File the application in the locked file cabinet (drawer labeled “GB”) in the workroom using the yellow key in the cash register.

PART 2 – Renewals

Renewals follow these same steps except that you can either use their old number (recreate it using the Online Barcode Generator) or give them a new number.

Remember to check if they owe any money in Alma and Banner. Update their Alma record with any changes and the new expiration date.

Process card the same way and mail them a copy of the Guest Borrower Privileges as well.

Update their application with new changes, new expiration date, and new barcode number (IF a new one was made).

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