Newspaper Removal Schedule

During the middle of every month, Alberto removes select older issues of newspapers to make room for newer issues. Please follow these steps for withdrawing newspapers:


1. Go to the first floor newspaper rack and table. Remove any issues of the following newspapers that do NOT follow the guidelines below. Be sure to check that all of them are in order by date (descending order) and you’re removing the correct issues:

Back Stage – Previous two (2) months and current month

Barrons – Previous month and current month

Guardian Weekly – Previous two (2) months and current month

Hartford Courant– Previous month and current month

New Britain Herald – Previous two (2) months and current month

New York Review of Books – Previous year and current year

New York Times– Previous month and current month

New York Times Book Review (part of NY Times) – Previous month and current month

New York Times Magazine/New York Times Style Magazine (part of NY Times) – Previous month and current month

NSTA Reports – Previous year and current year

People’s Daily (in Chinese) – Previous month and current month

Times Literary Supplement – Current year

Wall Street Journal/Wall Street Journal Magazine – Previous month and current month

NOTE: If you have to withdraw a title that is Sept./Oct. (Previous/Current Month) and you have an issue that is Aug. 26-Sept. 1, please keep that issue but withdraw any issues before that date.


2. On a separate sheet of paper, record the (1) title of the newspaper, (2) number of issues withdrawn, and (3) range of dates of issues withdrawn (earliest to most recent). For example: New Britain Herald, 60 issues, 9/1/12 – 11/31/12.


3. Leave this list on Alberto’s desk so he can record it on his spreadsheet and send it to Laurie Colburn, Serials LT, who updates the records.


4. Using the “Withdrawn” stamp on the withdrawn cart near Alberto’s desk, stamp all the vertical newspapers (i.e. New York Times) on the top and bottom of each issue. Please place the “withdrawn” stamp as close to the “Serials Department” stamp as possible.


5. Using the “Withdrawn” stamp, stamp all the other newspapers (i.e. Backstage) in the beginning (near the “Serials Department” stamp), middle, and end of each issue.


6. After stamping all the newspapers, recycle them in the blue recycle bins near Jaime’s office and the elevator.


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