Category Archives: Uncategorized

Faculty Rush book requests

So, back in the Millennium days, when we ordered a book for a faculty member and they wanted us to notify them when it arrived, we would get the book, with a pink RUSH slip and a slip with the … Continue reading Continue reading

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Media Center contact information and Equipment Distribution

The Media Center is open Monday – Thursday 8am-5p, Friday 8a-4p Equipment Distribution on Stack 3:  Jarrett Palmese x22030 Main number:  x22035 (Chad Valk-Media Center Manager) The Circulation Department staff should NOT take back any of the equipment that was … Continue reading Continue reading

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Changing Pick-up Institution of an Item

To change the pick-up institution or location of an item, perform the following steps: 1. Go to Pick From Shelf under Fulfillment<Resource Requests. 2. Find the item whose pick-up institution or location needs to be changed on the given list. You … Continue reading Continue reading

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Adding Fulfillment NOTE to an ITEM RECORD in ALMA

Under REPOSITORY SEARCH, search by PHYSICAL ITEMS, either by barcode or title Once in ITEM record, click on NOTES tab Add Fulfillment Note:  It will pop up when item is returned I THINK IT GETS ERASED upon check in, but … Continue reading Continue reading

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Billing patrons for overdue fines

As I work on the process for billing for overdue fines, several thoughts occur to me.  As I am billing for OVERDUE fines, I am adding at note in ALMA that I billed $XX.00 in overdue fines in Banner and … Continue reading Continue reading

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Walk in Patrons from other CSCU Institutions

IF a patron comes in from any of our consortial  partners and their barcodes do not scan and pull them, search them by name. In this scenario, all records that are pulled in will default to CONSORTIAL STUDENT.  If they … Continue reading Continue reading

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Notaries on campus

A student came in today looking for a notary.  My list dated back from 2013, so I did some checking and here are some quick updates. Debbie Peterson:  Student Center Courtney McDavid or Rita Pelletier:  President’s Office, Davidson 112 Denise … Continue reading Continue reading

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