Faculty Rush book requests

So, back in the Millennium days, when we ordered a book for a faculty member and they wanted us to notify them when it arrived, we would get the book, with a pink RUSH slip and a slip with the patron’s name.  We would then place the hold.


  • Kristina in Acquisitions places the HOLD when she orders the material.
  • Item arrives, goes to Jin in ISAR, they do their thing with it.
  • When it arrives to us:
  • From the ALMA Blue Button, select San in Items.  I would say YES to Automatically printing the slip, it it were me.
  • Scan the item, it will tell you who it is for, once the slip prints, sort the slips to the material as usual and put on the shelf for pickup.

IF the faculty member tells you that they no longer want the item and to reshelve it, here is what you do.

  • From the ALMA Blue Button, select ACTIVE HOLD SHELF link
  • Find the title
  • Click Cancel HOLD
  • Item location will revert to the stacks.
  • Pull the item, put the paperwork in the box to be shredded and the material on the appropriate cart to be reshelved.



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Media Center contact information and Equipment Distribution

The Media Center is open Monday – Thursday 8am-5p, Friday 8a-4p

Equipment Distribution on Stack 3:  Jarrett Palmese x22030

Main number:  x22035 (Chad Valk-Media Center Manager)

The Circulation Department staff should NOT take back any of the equipment that was checked out through the Media Center Equipment Distribution area on Stack 3.

Students who took the equipment out need to return it directly to the Media Center area on Stack 3, during their business hours.



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Changing Pick-up Institution of an Item

To change the pick-up institution or location of an item, perform the following steps:

1. Go to Pick From Shelf under Fulfillment<Resource Requests.

2. Find the item whose pick-up institution or location needs to be changed on the given list. You can also click on the specific pickup institution on the left hand-side that you want to change to find the item.

3. Click on Edit underneath the item description.

4. Click on Pickup Institution box to change the location (select from the drop-down box).

5. Click on Pickup At box and select the new pick-up location. The Pickup At box should state the same institution as the Pickup Institution box.

6. Click on Submit. The item should change in the Pickup Institution queue.

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Adding Fulfillment NOTE to an ITEM RECORD in ALMA

  • Under REPOSITORY SEARCH, search by PHYSICAL ITEMS, either by barcode or title
  • Once in ITEM record, click on NOTES tab
  • Add Fulfillment Note:  It will pop up when item is returned

I THINK IT GETS ERASED upon check in, but not positive.  Need to check.

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Billing patrons for overdue fines

As I work on the process for billing for overdue fines, several thoughts occur to me.

  1.  As I am billing for OVERDUE fines, I am adding at note in ALMA that I billed $XX.00 in overdue fines in Banner and a date.  I am going to try to remember make this note public to the PATRON.  We shall see how this goes.  If it causes too much confusion, I may stop.
  2. Existing billed LOST loans in Millennium:  When needed, I am attempting to make Millennium and Alma match.  I did find that sometimes the charge in Millennium is not in Alma, due to when the original fine was generated.  In that case there will be an extra charge “Migrated in from Millennium” at the end of the bill.
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Walk in Patrons from other CSCU Institutions

IF a patron comes in from any of our consortial  partners and their barcodes do not scan and pull them, search them by name.

In this scenario, all records that are pulled in will default to CONSORTIAL STUDENT.  If they are faculty, we will need to change it to Consortial Faculty.

  • Check off box: FIND USER IN OTHER INSTITUTION -and- select the Institution name from the drop-down list.
  • Search by ID or name.  When they are found.
  • Click on their ID number.
  • Click on General Information tab.
  • Change the USER GROUP to Consortial Faculty/Staff
  • Click SAVE and check out materials.

By doing this, we will assure that the faculty member will get the longer loan period.

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Notaries on campus

A student came in today looking for a notary.  My list dated back from 2013, so I did some checking and here are some quick updates.

  • Debbie Peterson:  Student Center
  • Courtney McDavid or Rita Pelletier:  President’s Office, Davidson 112
  • Denise Chancey:  Davidson 104
  • Rick Mason or Lisa Bucher:  Marcus White Annex 6

The complete list is at the CCSU Website.

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