Elevator problems

  • Generic breakdowns during normal Facilities hours: (M-F, 8am-4pm): Call Facilities, x22301
  • Generic breakdowns outside normal hours:  (OTHER THAN M-F, 8am-4pm):  Call campus police, x22375
  • Emergencies:  (ie:  person stuck in the elevator) should AT ALL TIMES be reported to the campus police at x22375
  • Dire emergencies (fire and other life-threatening situations)  call the campus police, x22375
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Where is…….?

For the new locations of the offices that have been moved from Willard-DiLoreto as well as any other recent relocations, please consult the online Faculty-Staff Directory: http://www.ccsu.edu/index/directory.html.

As you may already know, the directory can be searched by name, department, or location. The directory itself can be reached via the A-Z Index or the Quick Links icon on the top nav bar:

Best wishes for the new academic year,  Mark

Mark Warren McLaughlin, PhD

Associate Vice President

Marketing & Communications


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Update on Lost items procedure

The campus Police request that the person who is handed any of the following items of value call them immediately at x22375.  The PD will then dispatch an officer to come pick the item up from the person who made the call.  It is imperative to get the name and contact information of the individual turning the item in, along with when and where the item was found.   By doing this, we are helping keep the chain of custody to a minimum.   The Student Handbook states that a student must surrender their ID to any faculty or staff member who requests it.

Cell phone
Debit/credit cards
Back packs
Lap tops
iPads, or anything of value


ONLY the following three items should be brought to the Circulation Desk:
Car Keys- and Drivers licenses- If no one has picked them up by close of day, they will be taken to the Police Department.
Blue Chip Cards-will be returned to Card Office immediately during office hours. If after hours, we will return to the Card Office the next day.

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Troubleshooting Loaner Laptops-NEW PROCEDURE

If a student calls (from either on or off campus) reporting a problem with a loaner laptop, please ask them to call Norm at 860-832-0064.

In the event that Norm can’t help -OR- is not available, they should return the laptop to the Library, so we can take a look at it and put it in Repair, if necessary.  In case we are out of laptops and this scenario happens, I will still keep one laptop locked up in the file cabinet.  Please check it out to the patron if they still need it.

Because these laptops are not “real” laptops, IT cannot remote in to troubleshoot any problems.  Some students, while at home,  thought IT could “remote” into the notebook to help solve their problems, but they can’t do that with these units.

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Wireless Printing now available for students

There are now four Mobile Printing options available for students.  I have left one copy each of the instructions at the Circulation desk.

For more information, click the link:  Wireless Printing at CCSU.

We will try testing this, hopefully next week.

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Graduate students with expired records in Circulation system

When Graduate students complete their course work they must then complete a Thesis, Special Project, or Comprehensive Exam.  These are all known as the Capstone for the completion of a Master’s degree.  Once the students stop taking classes, their library records will expire in the Circulation system.  (The two dates are:  January 31 for the Fall and August 31 for the Spring.) Once this happens, this then stops them from taking out materials from CCSU or anywhere else, or accessing the databases remotely.

The Capstone Process:

Step one:  The student will register for the Capstone.

Step two:  After the add/drop registration period, a report is run and the students doing their capstone are billed in Banner.  At some point later in the semester, if the fee is not paid, then they are withdrawn and made non-matriculating.  The fee is taken off Banner.

Daily, I receive a report from the Bursar’s called the Continuing Ed report.  It has the names of the students who have paid the Continuing Ed fee.  So, daily I go in and change the expiration dates to the new term’s expiration date.   For example, this morning, I had two students who paid the fee and I changed  their records to expire on January 31, 2016.

So for them to get their library access back, this is what they have to do:

1) Ask if they are a graduate student. 

2) Then ask if they have paid the $40 Continuing Ed fee. 

We cannot do anything until they have registered and paid that fee.  When in doubt, send them to the Graduate Studies office, Barnard 102.  (x 22363)

FYI: A copy of that letter that the Grad Offices sends the students is on the S: drive in the S://Access Services/Continuing Ed Fee





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What to do with lost items

If you either find or are handed any of the following lost items:

Cell phone
Debit/credit cards
Back packs
Lap tops
iPads, or anything of value

Please, call the Campus Police x22375 immediately, with the information of when and where the item was found. The Campus Police will send an officer to you to pick the item up. The fewer hands involved in the turnover of the property is best for everyone’s sake.

The following three items can be brought to the Circulation Desk.
Car Keys- and Drivers licenses- If no one has picked them up by close of day, they will be taken to the Police Department.
Blue Chip Cards-will be returned to Card Office immediately during office hours. If after hours, we will return to the Card Office the next day.

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New Wireless Procedure for Guests at CCSU

Wireless Guest Access Self Service Instructions

The wireless guest server solution provides a portal which may be used by anyone to create their own user credentials. To form your own guest credentials, please perform the following steps:

1. Open your web browser to access the Clean Access login page.
2. Click the hyperlink labeled “HERE.” After clicking the hyperlink or manually browsing to the following URL (https://guestserver.ccsu.edu/sites/CCSUGuestHotSpot/ wlc_selfservice.html), the Self Service portal (“Create Guest Account” window) will be displayed.
3. Input the necessary information. Of most importance are the mobile phone number and email address fields since the values entered in these fields will be used to deliver the credentials generated for the guest user.
4. After completing the form, click on “Add User.”
5. You will receive an e-mail with your guest credentials and further instructions. You will also receive an SMS/Text message if you provided a mobile number. Use these new guest credentials to log in to the wireless network.

Questions? Call the IT Help Desk at 860-832-1720 or e-mail techsupport@ccsu.edu.

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Library Print Queues, February 2014


First Floor – prints both Simplex and Duplex

Second Floor – prints Simplex, Duplex and Color

Third Floor – prints both Simplex and Duplex

Fourth Floor – prints both Simplex and Duplex

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