Tag Archives: alma


On April 29, 2022, I have an email from Carl telling me that Provost Kostelis had given us permission to go FINE FREE.  For some reason, I never sent you all an email telling you when I had gone into … Continue reading

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Emeritus status

Not all retired faculty get emeritus status.  I get emails from HR telling me that a faculty member has a pending request and then later I will get an email that they were granted it.  But, not all faculty who … Continue reading

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CCSU ALMA User Groups

In Alma, the patrons are all in separate User Groups.  In Millenium, we called them Patron types.  EVERY patron from either CCSU or the consortium are all Consortium Students.  The only exception are the GUEST Borrowers, because they cannot borrow … Continue reading

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Alma Printing of Bills (backup procedure)

Here are the steps to find who had bills generated when Alma printing FAILS: Do this for all categories that fail to print.

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Expiring Guest Borrowers during COVID closure

For Guests with books who need renewals and whose accounts are expiring between now and our reopening, here is what we will do: Update their expiration in their patron record to June 14, 2020.  Renew the materials.  June 1 will … Continue reading Continue reading

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Adding Public Note to PRIMO

We have shelf notes in Primo for most of the Course Reserves books. If you need to add a public note, this is what you do: In ALMA: 1) Search PHYSICAL ITEMS:  Scan item barcode 2) From the three dots: … Continue reading Continue reading

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Patron ROLE expired!

We got this error message this morning.  Patron records in ALMA have MULTIPLE points of expiration.  There is the actual Expiration Date, the PURGE date and hidden in all of the roles in ALMA there is an expiry date for … Continue reading Continue reading

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How to do Return receipts/Loan receipts

RECEIPTS:  Anyone remember the Italian Resource Center ladies who always need ‘return receipts?’  Well, this is what we needed way back then. Return Receipts: To get a return receipt, you need to know that BEFORE you check the item in.  … Continue reading Continue reading

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ALMA Activity Letter

ACTIVITY REPORT:  Remember the day, back on February 2, 2017 when Alma spit out about 900 emails to all our patrons about what books they had, what they owed, etc.?  The patrons were calling, the Bursar was calling, bedlam out?  … Continue reading Continue reading

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Cancelling CONSORTIA request on HOLD SHELF

A patron requests a book from another campus.  They tell you that they no longer need the book.  What do you do? Go to Fulfillment; select Active Hold Shelf Find the request Click Update Expiry, change date to yesterday’s date … Continue reading Continue reading

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